Self-publishing often a poor choice; co-operative publishing normally better

Authors often self-publish for all the right reasons, including:

  • More control over everything.
  • A fairer share of the proceeds.
  • Bypassing incompetent or dismissive publishers.

But the trouble is that the author ends up spending lots of time (and money) learning how to do all sorts of things like typesetting, registering for ISBNs, cover design and lots more besides – and often makes a bad job of it. Worse still, it’s extremely difficult to promote and sell a book single-handed – even an excellent one – without some specialist expertise. Yes, it is true that some people “get lucky” on Amazon, say. But, when you look at how lucky they were, it usually turns out that they did a lot of specific things that created the “luck”.

So does that mean you should stick with the conventional orthodox publisher route? Well, no, because you can go for co-operative publishing and get the best of both worlds – all the advantages of self-publishing and all the advantages of going with a  publisher – but under an arrangement that’s more of a partnership.  The Endless Bookcase is a co-operative publisher. There are other co-operative publishers – but not many.

With us, you can concentrate on writing your book and participating in the promotional activities …

… while we handle:

  • Preparation
  • Production
  • Publication
  • Promotion
  • Sales.


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