We’ve gone on-line with this workshop to beat the lock-down
Key Points…
- This one session gets you fully prepared and planned to work out what book to write and how to write it.
- You pay an all-inclusive fee of £199 before the workshop starts.
- You are provided with your own personal workbook (pdf file) to use in conjunction with the workshop and afterwards as a guide.
- You have access to your own on-line account where you can access further resources, a self-help process and support forum.
- You have the benefit of the mutual support of other attending at the same tiime.
- The emphasis of this workshop is on non-fiction writing. A fiction-oriented version is also available – details on request.
To make it happen you have to start – but you could have your book written in days
If you want to write a book but aren’t sure what to do or you’ve found it hard to get started then this on-line workshop is for you.
You’ll get practical advice and guidance and be taken through a series of steps to get you started.
It’s fully supported by a downloadable (pdf) guide AND your own on-line account that gives you access to further guidance and resources.
You’ll finish out with a clear idea of what to do and a plan to make it happen.
This is a practical workshop where you get the chance to work on your book with expert advice to hand and helpful support from others in the same situation as you.
What we cover includes…
- Working out exactly what book you want to write by homing in on why you want to write it, who it’s for and what’s in it.
- Creating a plan for the book’s content and structure.
- Sorting out issues of style and how they relate to the profile of your intended audience.
- Dealing with technical issues such as file formats, typography and illustrations.
- Understanding practical issues that affect the production and sale of different editions: paper, eBook, audiobook.
- The art of creating a winning title, subtitle and cover.
- What to do about editing, proofreading and reviews.
- Planning your promotions early enough.
- Creating an action plan that gets the writing done.
- Q & A – for anything else.
Start now!
Why not sign up today?
We run this workshop in small groups so that those taking part get the benefit of exchanges with others and mutual support
Once we have a viable number of people registering and interest we set a convenient date for the next workshop.
The price is £199 per person.
Additional 1-2-1 coaching and editing is available for a further fee. A complete 1-2-1 package is also available.
Normally on Zoom and with additional YouTube resources.
This page is updated with the latest workshop information.
If you are interested but can’t attend this one then just send your details below to be notified of the next one
Bookings are not refundable but may be transferred if reasonable notice is given.
Don’t just take our word for it..