Creating Audiobook Editions

Now that you have your printed and/or eBook available, we highly recommend producing an audiobook edition.

Audiobooks have surged in popularity recently (sales have doubled in the last five years alone). The reason for this? More and more people are having to commute, either by train or car and the hands free option of reading is very beneficial, people lead very busy and hectic lifestyles – and fitting in reading whilst doing chores around the home and/or on the move is very appealing, and lastly not forgetting, more and more people are on their mobile phones and with a great deal of ‘audiobook apps’ now available – audio listening has never been so accessible and appealing to users.

At The Endless Bookcase we have created three packages for audiobook creation – so it is finding the right package that works for you.


Option 1: Author narrates book and edits (i.e author creating and
supplying the audio files to The Endless Bookcase)

£99 – fixed charge (a special rate applies for existing authors).

Option 2: Author narrates book and The Endless Bookcase provides
the editing

Based on a A5 book

£200 for 100 pages
(for every additional page over 100 pages – £2 per page).

Option 3: The Endless Bookcase narrates book (using in-house
narrators) and provides the editing

Based on a A5 book

£400 for 100 pages
(for every additional page over 100 pages – £4 per page)
*This includes the first chapter – given as a sample

One-off audiobook sample (e.g. first chapter of book) – £30

If you would prefer to use professional (third party) narrator in
conjunction to Option 3 –
Quotation given upon request

Content available for download:

How to record an Audiobook – A Guide

Our aim is to get your Audiobook published and publicised as simply, easily, effectively and quickly as possible.

This simple guide is merely intended to act as a reference point about what needs to be done along with an indication of how to make it happen. 

Video Guide – How to use Audacity

How to get started using the Audacity audio programme. Download