PSA Member Exclusive

Special rates for audiobook production are available to PSA members

We offer a simple and cost effective way for authors to produce audiobook editions of their books.

Key benefits of our approach include

  • No costs for studio time or narrator fees because we show you how to narrate and record using your own facilities (laptop, desktop PC or even smartphone).
  • Certainty about costs. All work is based on fixed-price fees.
  • No worries about narration method.  We provide you with advice and guidance on how best to narrate. The normal service does not include detailed specialist coaching in narration methods but that is available as an extra if required.
  • No worries about technical details.  We take your recordings and process them into high quality files that are ready to upload to audiobook shops such as Amazon Audacity and Apple Books. All files are guaranteed.
  • Trouble-free  publication.  We can manage your own self-publishing accounts for you or we can publish your audiobook – which is normally the simpler and preferred option.


How it works

  • We start with an initial (no obligation) chat with you by phone or zoom to discuss your requirements and answer any questions.
  • We provide a fixed-price quote based on the word count and any extras you request.   Note that the basic fee is based upon a specially discounted tariff exclusively available to PSA members (details below).
  • We help you get set up and provide guidance on what narration and recording methods to use.  We have written guides and video guides plus the specialist who is handling your project will provide you with one to one assistance and support.
  • You carry out a test recording which we then review and use to provide feedback to you.   This is normally sufficient to resolve any issues but another test may be needed.
  • You then produce your recordings, typically one file per chapter each done in one session.   Ideally, you submit the files as you produce them so there is no delay at the end and any issues can be spotted and dealt with early.
  • You record supplementary items for the beginning and end. For example, most platforms require specific details to be give in a track at the start and a separate “The End” track.
  • You can optionally provide additional material to be put in a downloadable pdf supplement to accompany the recorded work.  The most common contents are illustrations referred to in the recordings.
  • Once all files are processed and checked we then progress to publication on selected platforms.  This varies depending on what options you select so is not covered in detail here.



The exclusive tariff is as follows.

  • £166 for a work of up to 10,000 words
  • £119 for each additional 10,000 word (rounded up to the nearest 10,000)

Optional extra support is available for the following which are tailored to your exact requirement and have a fixed-fee once specified.

  • Specialist coaching in narration methods.
  • Set-up and management of your own publishing accounts (e.g. ACX for Amazon Audible and Apple).

If you decide to publish with us work then there is no further up-front fee.  We work as a co-operative whereby we go 50:50 on net profits on each sale.  You gain from our quality control methods and marketing activities. Plus you qualify for free membership of our mutual-support author group.


What to do now

If you would like to arrange for your initial no-obligation conversation then just submit your details below.

    PSA Member Enquiry