On-line Webinar Series – Write a non-fiction book in 1 week

This is a FREE start-from-scratch series of webinars over 4 successive days with one follow-up session one week later.

If you are a professional, specialist, expert or provider of specialist services then this will enable you to write a book that will serve as a calling card and powerful way to demonstrate your worth and can position you above your competitors.

Yes, we really do mean writing that book in a week if you put in the hours but of course we don’t mean writing a heavy tomb. We are talking about a work between 50 and 100 pages.
If the time you can allocate is limited then it will take longer but it will be quick nevertheless because we’ll help you work efficiently and effectively.

These sessions are normally run as 1 hour Zoom meetings but may overrun slightly on Q & A.

These webinars are all FREE. When you complete your manuscript you will have the option of publishing your book (paperback and eBook) with the Endless Bookcase for a total fee of £199.

What we cover includes…

  • Working out exactly what book you want to write by homing in on why you want to write it, who it’s for and what’s in it.
  • Creating a plan for the book’s content and structure.
  • Creating an action plan that gets the writing done.
  • Sorting out issues of style and how they relate to the profile of your intended audience.
  • Dealing with technical issues such as file formats, typography and illustrations.
  • The art of creating a winning title, subtitle and cover.
  • What to do about editing, proofreading and reviews.

To register your interest just submit your details below and provide us with as much relevant information as you wish or any questions.

The next Webinar Series starts on Monday 4th May at 08:30 BST

Places are limited so book early.

Joining instructions are emailed out in advance.