Cover Creation
Includes the creation of a paperback and ebook edition
Amazing value - only £99

Everyone judges books by their covers!

Research indicates that these are the key elements…

Front Cover

  • The title
  • The subtitle
  • The colours
  • The images

Back Cover (Note – no back cover on eBooks)

  • Back cover description (and reviews if available)
  • Author details
  • Price and Barcode with ISBN

A readable spine

This service includes the following with all the elements listed above

  • A front cover image for the paper edition and eBook
  • A complete wrap-around cover image for the paperback edition – front cover, spine and back cover

Please note

We are always happy to advise on the suitability of all elements submitted.
We welcome ideas, content and suggestions from the author.
There are various technical and commercial constraints.
The spine width depends on the paper used for the content and the final number of pages.
We use stock images or images supplied by the author – there are practical constrains.
We have specialist illustrators who will design cover images at extra cost.

The main purpose of a cover is to sell the book. It is a marketing tool.

Authors have a tendency to be self-indulgent over covers for their books. The cover is for the prospective reader.
The cover image and colour need to catch the eye.
The title and sub-title grab attention and let the reader know what the book offers them.
The back cover provides more compelling reasons to buy and the author details add a personal touch and why the book is important.
The price needs to seem reasonable to the prospective buyer and the barcode is a practical essentials.
All of these factors feed into our design.

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